How to prepare your business for Christmas Holidays
We trust this finds you well and, in a position, to enjoy a holiday break from this challenging year. We will certainly remember 2020 as one that affected our clients in multiple ways reminding us of 2010 Canterbury earthquakes. Reflecting on this I am so proud of our clients for the can-do attitude, innovation and fortitude that has been displayed, I know for some it has been challenging to keep the doors open and staff employed.
Our team has changed this year, Charlotte left, and we were joined by Celeste, Lucy and Larissa, Cecilia celebrated her 4th year with us.
There are a few things that need to be actioned in the next couple of weeks, can you please reach out to your dedicated team member to if you need any assistance with these tasks: –
Christmas payroll
For some it is easier to complete the holiday payrolls in advance, then undertake an adjustment in the New Year
For others you may have staff wanting to take annual leave in advance or cash up some annual leave
It is often a time when staff are requesting leave or questioning their leave, it is a good time now to check out the entitlements
If you observe a full Christmas shutdown, please refer to your employment agreements to ensure the right entitlement is given to staff
Holiday cashflow
Prepare a cashflow forecast see you through until February if possible, remember PAYE due 20th December 2020 and 20th January 2021 along with October/November GST due 15th January 2021 and December/January GST due 28th February 2021. Also include fixed overheads as well as wages and creditor payments.
Holiday hours
It is a good time to communicate your holiday hours with your staff, clients and us 🙂
Out of Office
Prepare email out of office, call diversions and holiday message.
Training and Beyond will close for the year on Tuesday 22nd December, reopening on Monday 4th January. For any urgent queries or issues please contact Mel on 0212239063 or email
Finally, thank you so much for your continued support this year, we enjoy working with you and look forward to 2021.
Wishing you safe and happy holidays.
Mel, Celeste, Cecilia, Lucy and Larissa.